Finding the right leadership development partner can be difficult. You want someone who has access to all the best organizational assessments and research but also someone who understands your organization – your industry, your culture, and your people.
At EDGE™, we partner with industry-leading personality and leadership assessment and solution partners, including Everything DiSC® and Hogan. But what truly sets us apart is our process. To deliver the proper guidance and solutions for your organization, we work with you on-site, experiencing in real-time the interpersonal dynamics within your culture, your leadership styles and how your people work together.
With that deep understanding as a foundation, we can develop a customized, end-to-end solution tailored to your organization's needs. That’s the edge we provide our clients—meaningful insights that can come only from experts who are part of your team and committed to helping your organization grow its capabilities and effectiveness and thrive.
At the heart of all our client relationships are trust, transparency, and a deep understanding of what makes your organization uniquely successful. We are deliberate in our discovery, and we will come to learn more about you than anyone else. At every step we “tell it like it is,” ensuring you understand what we’re doing, why, and how it helps you maximize your organization’s performance.
We review the results of our engagement, making sure all needs have been fully addressed and created processes that are effective and repeatable. We will look at any contributing factors that warrant further monitoring and discuss other potential areas where we can be of further assistance.
We assess where you are now, discuss different approaches and define what success would look like. It’s important to note that we don’t come into this relationship prescribing ready-made, off-the-shelf solutions. We are resolution-neutral, letting our findings point to the solutions that make sense for your organization. And while training may be a part of what we recommend, we don’t train just to train. Our recommendations are all about improving performance — helping optimize your talent and your organization through enhanced leadership.
What makes our process so successful is that it’s personalized. As part of your team, we are able to deliver advice and outcomes that are uniquely tailored to your specific organization, so that even if you have a repeatable and scalable process, the insights and recommendations we
provide are customized to you and only you.
During this stage we really get to you know and your organization through on‑site visits and interaction with key members of your team. Working “in the trenches” as part of your team, we collect information, review your current processes and documentation, and ultimately learn what’s really going on with your team and where the issues and inefficiencies lie.
Our first step starts with a conversation about your organization’s culture and leadership style, getting to the heart of what makes it unique. This process may take some time: To identify opportunities for leadership development and to provide maximum value, it’s critical that we forge a strong relationship based on a deep understanding of your organization’s values, culture, and people.
An organization must be nimble to succeed. To keep up with changes in technology, regulation, competition or simply what customers are asking for, leaders must be ahead of the curve and aware of the people, processes and culture that make your organization what it is. This is no small task.
Developing your organization’s leaders is no small task either. It requires an on-the-ground understanding of your industry, organization, culture, and leadership strategy. The ability to identify what skills your organization’s leaders would need to have and the people within the organization who are well-suited for that responsibility. Not to mention, a system should be in place to develop and evaluate new leaders as they lead your organization into the future.
This is a lot to ask for, but it’s vital for your organization’s success. At EDGE™, we specialize in leadership development. We work with you where you are, helping you determine what’s working, what needs to be improved, and what you can do to create better leaders for your organization.
Get in contact using the "Contact Us" button below, and let’s talk about what we can do for your organization. We know our clients aren’t necessarily looking for something different — they’re looking for something that works. We work.